Discover our corporate fitness offers!
Are you looking for versatile cooperation opportunities in the area of corporate fitness?
Whether you are looking for a complete program that includes lectures, measurements and on-site courses as well as training with us, or whether you are interested in individual services - our tailor-made company fitness program is exactly the right thing for you. It not only offers health-promoting training, but also exclusive, subsidized rates for your valued employees.
Benefits for you as an employer
Increasing attractiveness
In a competitive job market, offering a company fitness program makes you more attractive to potential new hires. It underscores your commitment to the health and well-being of your workforce, which attracts top talent.
Benefits for you as an employer
Improved working environment
Joint sporting activities promote team spirit and help to create a positive and supportive working environment. A good working atmosphere improves cooperation and communication between your employees, which leads to smoother operations.
Benefits for you as an employer
Stronger employee loyalty
Providing company fitness opportunities shows your employees that you take their well-being seriously. This appreciation helps strengthen their loyalty to your company and encourages long-term retention. Satisfied employees are less likely to leave, which reduces turnover.
Benefits for you as an employer
Increased productivity
A corporate fitness program can help your employees be more energetic and focused. Better health leads directly to better performance in the workplace, which translates into increased productivity. You'll find that tasks are completed faster and more efficiently.
Benefits for you as an employer
Reduced sick days
By allowing your employees to exercise regularly, you strengthen their immune systems and thus ensure fewer sick days. This not only leads to a healthier workforce, but also reduces the costs and hassle associated with sick days.
Benefits for your employees
Improved self-confidence
Participating in a corporate fitness program can increase confidence and self-esteem. Employees who see physical progress and achieve fitness goals develop a stronger self-image. This increased confidence can have a positive impact on their performance at work and their overall attitude to life.
Benefits for your employees
Strengthening team spirit
Joint activities such as company fitness strengthen the sense of community and promote teamwork. Achieving fitness goals together creates a sense of camaraderie and helps build trust among colleagues. This improves communication and collaboration within the team.
Benefits for your employees
Increased productivity
A direct result of improved physical and mental health is increased productivity. Employees who exercise regularly report better concentration and clarity of thought, which leads to more efficient work. This is reflected in higher quality work and shorter reaction times to challenges.
Benefits for your employees
Better mental health
Corporate fitness contributes significantly to mental and emotional wellness. Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety while releasing endorphins that improve mood. This leads to greater job satisfaction and can help prevent burnout.
Benefits for your employees
Improved health
An obvious benefit of the corporate fitness program is the improvement of physical health. Regular exercise not only helps reduce the risk of illness, but also improves overall body function. Employees benefit from a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure and improved heart health, which leads to fewer sick days.
Discover our corporate fitness offers!
Are you looking for versatile cooperation opportunities in the area of corporate fitness?
Whether you are looking for a complete program that includes lectures, measurements and on-site courses as well as training with us, or whether you are interested in individual services - our tailor-made company fitness program is exactly the right thing for you. It not only offers health-promoting training, but also exclusive, subsidized rates for your valued employees.
Your guide to recovery!
An accident, injury or other health problems can make it difficult to follow the recommended steps and understand your own healing process.
In order to help you specifically during this time, we have significantly expanded our sources of information. On our blog and YouTube channel we offer comprehensive explanations of various symptoms and illnesses and their treatment options. In addition, you will find a detailed description of the physiotherapy process and frequently asked questions, which gives you a clear direction on your path to recovery!
Individuelle Pakete für DEIN Unternehmen
Individuell - Paket
Finde die perfekte Fitnesslösung für dein Unternehmen! Sollten unsere Standard-Pakete nicht zu deinen Vorstellungen passen, bieten wir mit dem Individuell-Paket maßgeschneiderte Ansätze an. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir eine individuelle Lösung, die genau auf die Bedürfnisse deiner Mitarbeitenden und deines Unternehmens zugeschnitten ist.
Individuelle Pakete für DEIN Unternehmen!
Rabatt - Paket
Nutze die Gelegenheit, um deine Mitarbeitenden zu motivieren und gleichzeitig Kosten zu sparen! Mit unserem Rabatt-Paket erhältst du attraktive Nachlässe auf die monatlichen Beiträge und Einmalgebühren im König Fitnessstudio, abhängig von der Anzahl der teilnehmenden Mitarbeitenden.
Individuelle Pakete für DEIN Unternehmen
Zuschuss - Paket
Verleihe deinen Mitarbeitenden einen zusätzlichen Anreiz zur Fitness! Mit unserem Zuschuss-Paket profitieren sie nicht nur von vergünstigten Konditionen bei uns, sondern erhalten auch einen individuellen Zuschuss von DIR als Arbeitgeber.
Individuelle Pakete für DEIN Unternehmen
Komplett - Paket
Investiere in die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden DEINER Mitarbeitenden, indem du die kompletten Kosten für ihre Mitgliedschaften im König Fitnessstudio übernimmst. So förderst du nicht nur ihre Fitness, sondern auch ihre Motivation und Zufriedenheit im Job!
Wellpass, Wellhub and Hansefit
As a partner of E-Gym Wellpass, Wellhub and Hansefit, we enable companies to offer their employees flexible training in our fitness studio without a fixed contract period. These company fitness programs adapt perfectly to the individual needs of employees and thus promote their well-being and fitness.